Worlds Gone By – June 12, 2024

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Apocalyptic Color Lithograph

June brings crickets and heat waves. A wren is nesting in the gourd house! People are starting to drift away to vacate themselves to distant shores. Indie bands go on tour, hot grubby exhilarating tours across the country in cars and vans!

Not a whole lot of new music this week so we filled in with oldies from groups that once upon a time also toured the land in cars and vans.


GbV “Weed King,” Stereolab from one of the Switched On disks, Yo La from Painful, also Salt n Pepa, Galaxie 500, Hall and fuckin’ Oates…Strange as this may seem, there was an essence of VU to it all, not intentional, maybe not even apparent to many.


“Jimi Was Gone By Now”, the latest track from Hidoux’s Thus Spoke Time-Traveling Space Jesus album, takes us through what sounds like an early mid life crisis, with aplomb. Venko vows to “Persverar.”

Mama Aiuro’s “Meadow Terrain,” a Chillhop essential, is mesmerizing. And you can’t help but love the killer post-disco pop of Allo Daphné’s “Intersidéral” from La Souterrain.

Favorite super mainstream track of the week: Magdalena Bay’s “Death and Romance”

Best Cover: The Little Willies with their take on Kris Kistofferson’s tune “Best of All Possible Worlds”

And more, so much more…

June 12, 2024
Worlds Gone By

Space Ghost – What Day Is It?

Guided by Voices – Dreams of the Weed King
Stereolab – Low Fi
Yo La Tengo – Big Day Coming

Emo Philips – College – The Best 6 Weeks of My Life
DJ Cumberbund – Earth Wind & Ozzies

Venko – Perseverar
Greg Walker – The World Has Gone Bananas
Moutiluigi Random – FR3 Maestro Square

Lester Bowie – Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag
Funk Factory – Horsin’ Around

Allo Daphné – Intérsidéral
Mama Aiuto – Meado Terrain
Say She She – Slippery People

EU – Pump It Up Hey Hey Hey
Network – I Need You

Louie Zong – World Goes By
Hidoux – Jimi Was Gone By Now
The Little Willies – Best Of All Possible Worlds
Laura Lewis – The Day Was Mine

Salt n Pepa – Beauty and the Beat
Kid Creole and the Coconuts – Imitation

Guided By Voices – Dance of Gurus
The Future Unwritten – One For The Ages
Galaxie 500 – Here She Comes Now

Flip Wilson – Church on Sunday
Hall and Oates – I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)

Magdalena Bay – Death & Romance


Photo credit: Wellcome Trust, CC BY 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons