Life was meandering along in a happy midsummer kind of way when suddenly, out of nowhere (well, almost nowhere), we were hit with a double whammy of unhappy occurrences. First, our cat Birdie, nearly 20 years old and barely awake most of the time, wandered off one evening and didn’t come back. We were not […]
Games That We Can’t Win: More Songs of 2011
2011 had a revolutionary heart and a crazy optimism that uplifted while still flying in the face of conventional logic. We all know how Occupy ended up – park cleared by riot police in the early morning hours one day in late November. Arab Spring did not produce much in the way of obvious positive […]
Your Empire Is Burning: Songs of 2011
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was pop music in 2011. In the larger world, there were eruptions of populist sentiment accompanied by chants and machine gun fire, depending on what part of the world you experienced “spring” in that year. Arab Spring rolled through the Middle East […]
On and Ever Onward: Songs of 2010
This week on Bubble Wrap, we dove headlong into songs from 2010 which turns out to be the year when disillusionment really set in. Bjork’s exhortations notwithstanding, we had some SOS’s from the Black community with The Roots How I Got Over and Beeda Weeda’s Baserock Babies. The Scissor Sisters reminded us that we are […]
I Look Psychotic In A Balaclava: More Songs of 2009
Swim Until You Can’t See Land: Songs of 2009
The Department of Foreseeable Outcomes: More Songs of 2008
On Bubble Wrap, we continue our review of indie music of the recent past with more songs of 2008. It was the year of hope and change, although you couldn’t tell that from the music. 2008 brought us a few memorable debuts — Santigold put out Les Artistes that year (from her Santogold CD), introducing […]
Go Out And Love Someone: Songs of 2008
It Was Acceptable At The Time: Songs of 2007
We Are The Ones: Songs of 2006
2006 was the year we discovered that turning your back on the real world only gets you so far. Some of us travelled aimlessly. Others paired up. Politics was pointless so we ignored it. And then there was the music–ironic, alienated, a little sad. Amy Winehouse released Back To Black that year — we played […]
Star Witness: More Songs of 2005
On March 23, we played all the songs from 2005 that we didn’t play last week plus assorted funky tunesters (Michael, Janet, Evelyn “Champagne” King). This made for what my mother calls a mish-mash, and what’s worse, I can’t really vouch for the authenticity of this playlist because of all the cross-outs… If I had […]
So It’s Come To This: Songs of 2005
2005 was a year of resignation for many of us. It was a time to turn away from politics and get on with whatever we found important in life. There was a resurgence of love songs. Others pondered the bigger questions of life, the universe, and everything. For me, 2005 was definitely a drop-out year. […]